The Athanasian Creed is usually divided into two sections: lines 1 28 addressing the doctrine of the Trinity, and lines 29 44 addressing the doctrine of Christology. Thus, each person of the Trinity is described as uncreated (increatus), limitless (Immensus), eternal (ternus), and omnipotent (omnipotens). While ascribing the divine attributes and divinity to each person of the Trinity, thus avoiding subordinationism, the first half of the Athanasian Creed also stresses the unity of the three persons in the one Godhead, thus avoiding a theology of tritheism. Cheap Jerseys from china So it could honestly be said they are reaching LESS than 2% of the target audience. I can comment on LilC, but I am going to deduce that his numbers are on par or less than Guersan. I had watched Guersan videos but had never even heard of LilC videos until Friday when this whole Roode thing came up.Cheap Jerseys from china Obviously, Greer and Lyonne don't have that kind of money handy and they decide...